

  • 2014
    Kayem Foods establishes a Greenfield Breakfast Cereal facility near Delhi.
  • 2014
    Successfully developed Extruded Shapes with Fruit and Vegetable inclusions for dry mixing in Infant weaning foods.
  • 2013
    Commence production of Fruit and Vegetable based crunchies for dry mixing in infant weaning food.
  • 2012
    Commence production of Mayonnaise, Culinary Sauces, Cooking Sauces, Fruit Crushes and Toppings.
  • 2011
    New Continuous Steam Sterilizer commences operations at Pan Foods.


  • 2010
    New dehydration line and high hygiene facility established at Pan Foods.
  • 2009
    New extrusion line and high hygiene facility established at Kayem.
  • 2005
    Commence production of gluten free rice crunchies for dry mixing in gluten free infant weaning food.
  • 2004
    Commence production of Ginger, Garlic, Onion Paste and Purees.
  • 2003
    Commence production of Cereal Crunchies for dry mixing in infant weaning food.


  • 2000
    Commence production of RTE Curries, Indian Desserts and Rice Pilaf
  • 1996
    Acquired Kayem Foods, extrusion of cereals for infant food bases and rice crispies for chocolates and confectionary.
  • 1994
    Major renovation and expansion of dehydration plant.


  • 1988
    Commence Dehydration of Vegetables as inclusions in infant foods, soups and noodles.
  • 1984
    Established national distribution for food products under the brand “Pan” & “Pan Peas”.
  • 1981
    Expansion into production of Jams.


  • 1979
    Expansion into production of tomato ketchup.
  • 1978
    Expansion into canning of vegetables and fruits.
  • 1973
    Commence Dehydration of Peas and several other vegetables for the Armed Forces and the Domestic Market
  • 1971
    Pan Foods, establishes a Greenfield Plant for dehydration of onion flakes, commences production.